Author Archives: admin

  • CHAOS | AFO Radio

    CHAOS singkatan bagi Club House Art of Speed merupakan port sempoi di tengah bandar Kuala Lumpur buat peminat dunia seni otomotif kustom dan gaya hidup berkumpul serta bertukar pendapat. Art of Speed Malaysia merupakan peneraju skena yang menganjurkan pelbagai program termasuk acara seni otomotif dan gaya hidup terbesar di Malaysia sejak 2012. Acara tahunan Art …

  • Art of Speed Malaysia is now in KL!

    The official Clubhouse for Art of Speed Malaysia (C.H.A.O.S) is now in Kuala Lumpur. Located in the city centre at Datuk Keramat, C.H.A.O.S is the permanent home for motoring enthusiast & also house the office of Art of Speed Malaysia. The new premise will also showcase curated international brands comprising of MOONEYES, Naskleeng13, Pickers Store …

  • Art of Speed Malaysia Organized LAMAxRIDE Convoy

    National Run with SOP KUALA LUMPUR, 27 JULY 2020 – Art of Speed, Malaysia’s very own homegrown Old-Skool & Kustom Kulture event, via its newly launched social club known as Art of Speed Club Chapter; organized their first National Run bike convoy last Saturday night. The bike convoys concurrently held in 20 cities and major towns in Peninsular …

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